Here is a list of our ideas:
- Oneirology
- Dillusion
- Disambiguation
- Hypnopomic
- Paresthesia
- Somnipathy
- Narcolepsy
- Parasomnia
- Insomnia
After a heated group discussion 3/4 of our group agreed on to call the film "Narcolepsy" however one member (Gareth Allen) disagreed as he wanted to call it "Disambiguation". After talking to him and asking for pros and cons for this name, he did in fact come to the agreement to call this short film "Narcolepsy".
We have decided to rethink our title and keep it to something simple. After a group rethink we have decided to change out title to thr3e. We have decided to call it this as three significant event happen to our main character in our film he also sees three figures in the scrap yard.
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