Ninjabread Men

Matt Bull, Gareth Allen, Chloe McGlinchey & Hannah Sell

Friday, 15 January 2010

Research Tasks - "Lou Lou Lives Here" - Hannah Sell

Lou Lou Lives Here (Grain 2003)
1. Physiological thriller genre- this film concentrates more on the restricted narration putting it in the phycollogicall thriller genre this is because the film makes the audience feel on edge whcih traditional physiological thrillers do.

2. This film uses a unique style by being edited in black and white and creating an unsettling feeling for the audience as they are not sure what is going on. Also the visual effects create an unsettling atmosphere along with the graininess of the picture creating a unique style for this film.

3. This film uses the short film format by using restricted narration. The audience is not entirely sure as to what is happening as we are not told what is happening in the film. The use of quick cuts and faced paced shots helps with this keeping the audience interested in the film.

4. The use of sound is interesting in this film as no dialouge is used apaer from lou lou. This gives the audence no verbal understanding of the film. The only sounds that are used is non diagetic sound to set the scene like the helicopter and the van.

5. i have identified this film to be about either a little girl thinks she is a dog, the dog thinks it is human or the girl turns into a dog. The audience would identify it as the girl turns into a dog as it starts as a girl then ends as a dog. I personally think the film is about a dog thinking it is human as at the start the girl shows animal tenancies and the whole thing with the van stopping because she is in the road like it was an animal in the road. Also there is alot of flashing between human and dog images.

Hannah Sell

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